First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class
After watching the video of Ms. Cassidy's first grade class I was in "AHHh". In this video, her students describe how they use blogs and wikis, and learn decision making and sharing skills from playing games. Ms. Cassidy made it known in her video that she is very pro technology! Which is great we have to move with the times. She found that she could coordinate homework assignments, information, and writing assignments on one simple website through blogs. The kids seem to understand what they're learning and how to use the tools they've been given. Ms. Cassidy truly understands how to benefit her students with technology and many teacher could learn from her. I have been saying "I do not know how I will incorporate technology into my classroom since I want to teach Kindergarten". Well Ms. Cassidy just proved me wrong!
On Dr. Strange's Skype Conversation with Ms. Cassidy
First of all, Dr. Strange brought up his class poll to see what percentage of EDM310 students believe that teachers should be technologically literate, in which about 5% say no. Ms. Cassidy discusses how important it is to keep up with technology because the way kids were taught years ago is not the way they should be taught today. They also discuss Twitter, which Ms. Cassidy says students classify as an "old people's Facebook". She suggests education students should follow other prospective teachers for advice rather than experienced teachers, because they would be going through more of the same thing. This is something I had not thought of yet. I follow many experienced teachers on Twitter because I am fascinated by almost everything they say. I try to soak up as much knowledge as I can to help mold me into a better teacher. Following beginning teachers would be beneficially because they still remember what it is like to go through the change of being a student to being the teacher.
"Well Ms. Cassidy just proved me wrong!" Exactly what I hoped would happen!